
Sólarsella fyrir Reolink myndavélar

kr. 7.690

Sóalrsella frá Reolink SP2-W breytir sólarljósi í rafmagn, sérstaklega hönnuð til að hlaða rafhlöður Reolink myndavéla utandyra.

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Þessi sóalrsella frá Reolink SP2-W breytir sólarljósi í rafmagn, sérstaklega hönnuð til að hlaða rafhlöður Reolink myndavéla utandyra.

Main specifications:

  • Maximum output voltage: 6 V.
  • Standard operating voltage: 6 V ± 0.3 V.
  • Maximum amperage: 530 mA.
  • Maximum power: 3,2 W.
  • Operating efficiency: 19,50 %.
  • IP65 waterproof.

To connect the Reolink Solar Panel SP2-W to the camera and get a constant power supply, follow these steps:

  • Choose a mounting location for the solar panel where it will receive maximum exposure to sunlight throughout the year. A few hours of direct sunlight per day is sufficient for the Reolink Solar Panel to function.
  • Mount the bracket according to the supplied mounting template and the screws provided.
  • Insert the solar panel into the bracket and make sure it is firmly attached.
  • Remove the bracket adjuster and adjust the angle of the solar panel so that it receives direct sunlight. Then screw the adjusting element to fix the solar panel firmly in place.
  • Connect the solar panel to the camera using a micro USB cable.
  • A few notes:
  • Ensure that the solar panel is not blocked before installation. Even a small part of the panel will reduce the efficiency of the energy capture.
  • Do not mount the solar panel completely horizontally to prevent dust and dirt from accumulating.
  • Clean the solar panel regularly to remove dust and dirt.
  • Make sure that the camera is fully inserted and that there is a waterproof cover between the camera and the solar panel connector.